Modeling pilot pulse control

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Hess, R.
Godfroy-Cooper, M.
Aponso, B.
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In this study, behavioral models are developed that closely reproduced pulsive control re-sponse of two pilots from the experimental pool using markedly different control techniques (styles) while conducting a tracking task. An intriguing find was that the pilots appeared to: 1) produce a continuous, inter-nally-generated stick signal that they integrated in time; 2) integrate the actual stick position; and 3) compare the two integrations to issue and cease pulse commands. This suggests that the pilots utilized kinesthetic feedback in order to perceive and integrate stick position, supporting the hypothesis that pilots can access and employ the proprioceptive inner feedback loop proposed by Hess’ pilot Structural Model [1]. The Pulse Models used in conjunction with the pilot Structural Model closely recreated the pilot data both in the fre-quency and time domains during closed-loop simulation. This indicates that for the range of tasks and control styles encountered, the models captured the fundamental mechanisms governing pulsive and control pro-cesses. The pilot Pulse Models give important insight for the amount of remnant (stick output uncorrelated with the forcing function) that arises from nonlinear pilot technique, and for the remaining remnant arising from different sources unrelated to tracking control (i.e. neuromuscular tremor, re-allocation of cognitive re-sources, etc.).