Flight simulation testing of a turbulence model based on a Synthetic Eddy Method
Flight simulation testing of a turbulence model based on a Synthetic Eddy Method
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Huecas, S.G.
White, M.
Barakos, G.
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This paper presents initial analysis of an ongoing series of flight simulation trials of a new turbulence model based on a synthetic eddy method (SEM). The model is based on the generation of a random distribution of turbulence generating Eddies within a control model surrounding the aircraft. Eddies are displaced by the flow and regenerated at the inflow as they leave the simulation domain. The model allows adjustment of turbulence intensity by adjusting the value of Reynolds stress tensor and of frequency spectra through adjustment of eddy sizes, allowing for a more realistic representation of broadband turbulence. Compared to other random turbulence models, preserving the location of the Eddies in the control volume ensures automatically that turbulence across different aircraft locations is automatically correlated. Piloted flight simulation tests show that both, levels of turbulence intensity and frequency of the induced turbulence have a strong effect on workload and task performance. Increases in turbulence intensity result in a direct increase in pilot workload and reduced task performance. However changes in frequency of turbulence present a more complex picture dependent on flight condition and aircraft response.