Development of integrated avionics functions for external situation awareness in civil helicopter missions
Development of integrated avionics functions for external situation awareness in civil helicopter missions
Halbe, O.
Haroch, M.
Kleinitz, D.
Astruc, J.
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Providing a consistent perception about the external situation to the helicopter flight crew can greatly enhance awareness, simplify mission and contribute to a safer operating environment. This paper focuses on the HELIONIX® external situation awareness functions including SVS, HTAWS, DMAP integrated in the HELIONIX® avionics suite of Airbus light and medium helicopter platforms. First, a background of CFIT incidents that motivated the development of the external awareness functions is presented. The context of civil helicopter mission is then described to identify the needs regarding external awareness under different operations. Thereafter the main capabilities of the SVS, HTAWS and DMAP functions along with their HMI concept are explained. Finally, some aspects about a standardised common development and certification approach are highlighted. Due to the awareness functions being fully embedded in the cockpit multi-function displays, a coherent and consistent HMI concept as well as cost, weight and space savings are achieved while answering the needs of civilian helicopter missions.