Numerical vs. experimental assessment of optimization effects on aerodynamic performance of ERICA tiltrotor fuselage
Numerical vs. experimental assessment of optimization effects on aerodynamic performance of ERICA tiltrotor fuselage
Benini, E.
Ponza, R.
Steiling, D.
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The results of a CFD-based optimization over a 1/8-scaled model of the ERICA tiltrotor fuselage are compared against experimental data obtained from an extensive wind tunnel campaign carried out at the RUAG facilities, as part of the DREAm-Tilt project funded by the Joint Technology Initiative Clean-Sky program. In particular, the effects of optimized geometries of nose, wing/fuselage junction, sponsons and empennages for drag reduction are investigated. The assessment proved the consistency of the optimization approach and the optimized ERICA geometries as experimental validation was successfully obtained.